Clubs and Organizations

Antilles students have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities both on and off the campus. Sponsored through the school, students are able to join traditional sports teams (elementary, junior varsity and varsity) and may also choose from a list of extra-curricular activities taught on-campus by a range of community instructors. Antilles and non-Antilles students are also able to sign-up for the After School Activities. Throughout the year, our Hurricanes are also active in a variety of community-based clubs, sports and organizations that also give them a chance to team up with students across the St. Thomas-St. John District.


Academic Competitions

Participating in several local to national level competitions, Antilles students have many opportunities each year to distinguish themselves in the academic arena. In many instances, these competitions also give the students a chance to compete with peers throughout the Caribbean region or across the United States. We are proud of their accomplishments!