Middle School
Sixth through Eighth Grade
We are a community of learners. Characterized by friendships, creativity, and a quest to establish independence and identity, the culture of Antilles Middle School is friendly, inviting, safe, encouraging, inclusive, and supportive of all. Faculty and staff appreciate this unique time in students’ live. Our programs and practices reflect our understanding, that for Middle School students, relationships are paramount and emotions drive learning. Antilles Middle School teachers appreciate and enjoy the uniqueness of our adolescent learners, ‘tweens and teens, establishing learning environments that enhance students’ physical, social, and emotional well-being, as well as, affording academic challenges. Classroom, studio, laboratory, and field experiences cultivate intellectual curiosity and inventiveness, foster empathy and individuality, encourage imagination and perseverance, and nurture self-reliance and self-confidence.
Academic Core
We believe Middle School learning experiences must be developmentally responsive, challenging, empowering, and equitable. Our teachers and students engage in active, purposeful learning. All students participate in rigorous and developmentally sensitive curricula; our foundational core studies include: reading, writing, language arts, mathematics, laboratory science, history, geography, civics, and Spanish language. Students advance essential reading and writing strategies, acquire specialized vocabulary and content-specific knowledge, and expand their adeptness with mathematics and scientific inquiry, and develop academic strategies and skills. Students connect new information to what they already know, gaining confidence in their abilities to reason, make decisions, solve problems, and communicate.
MS News
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